Here are some pictures at the zoo. We have already posted most of the animals, so I didn't take too many pictures of them. One thing that we saw was this turtle on wheels. We wondered if it was injured or just too big to move. (It was one big turtle!)
Then we saw an elephant drinking. We thought that this was pretty neat. D.J. especially liked it, but thought that it was gross, and decided that he preferred to use a cup or straw to drink rather than his nose. :)
Laura these ones are for you - one of yours and D.J.'s favorites!
After walking around for a while, we all had to sit down and take a break!
D.J. with his water - a necessity for a warm day outside in the sun.
D.J. wanted his picture taken behind the cheese, so here it is.
I let Brandon go into the petting zoo for the first time. He absolutely loved it! After a little while I asked him if he was ready to go, and he said "No, brush" and went off in search of another goat. Every time I asked him the response was the same. The only way that I could get him to leave the petting zoo was to tell him he could go wash his hands. Since he loves to wash his hands, he figured that this was a fair trade. :)